Deepening the Dance of Eros: Upcoming Online Course on Sexuality&Intimacy We will be teaching Part 2 of our series on sexuality and intimacy in long-term relationships called DEEPENING THE DANCE OF EROS premiering 10am -12pm Pacific Time: Friday, January 10th Friday, January 24th Friday, February 7th You can tune in live, watch the recordings – or both! Register Now and receive $50 off Part 2 of the course by using the coupon code: Deep In Part 2 we will deepen the erotic journey by looking at some of the lesser known or edgier parts of our sexuality and their deeper … Read More
How to Follow Wisdom of Body in Context of Sex & Intimacy
Most of us have a tendency to tell ourselves a story about what’s going on and why it’s going on and what it means, without exploring the actual experience itself. Instead, you can learn how to let the signals of your body reveal its meaning to you by exploring them with an open mind and curiosity.
How to (not) Ruin your Sex Life – Creating an Erotic Container
The quality of the space between us, will determine how free we feel to express our erotic fantasies and desires, our sexual needs and limitations, our wildness and our tenderness. Paradoxically, exploring how we’d ensure the demise of our sex life can lead to new levels of empowerment in creating a flourishing erotic space between us.
How to (Re)Ignite Ecstasy
Even while living in the midst of darkness, we must never forget to drink from the well of joy that lives within us. Living ecstatically is about creating experiences of rapture in our lives, where we feel connected to something bigger than ourselves. It is from a place of being uplifted that we can help uplift the world around us.
The Alchemy of Eros: Unfolding Chronic Pain into a Richer Sex Life
Sex can be the playground where we experiment with less familiar parts and energies in a safe and consensually agreed upon way. Life is where we then get to express and integrate the parts of us we play with sexually. By aligning the two, sex and life can become an integrated dance, each infusing the other.